The importance of choosing the right domain name

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Posted by on Saturday September 13, 2014 at 12:58:9:

Choosing the right domain name is pretty important for both online businesses and bloggers. I find using everyday examples make for easier understanding so let's go again. Let's say you were shopping for carrots in a new town you just moved to (humour me folks). Side by side were two stores, one had a sign on it "everything you'll ever need" and the other said "buy your carrots here". Unless you are shopping for "everything you'll ever need", chances are you'll be all over the "carrots here" store. You'd only go into the other store just to see what they have out of curiosity right? If you had no time to be curious, you wouldn't go in there. It’s pretty much the same on the internet. People want to find what they're looking for as fast as they can and chances are they would rather click on a domain that looks like their search query than something like looked generic and not like the answer to their query. Get the picture?
As a result, getting the right domain name in respect to your niche and website content is one of the very best things you can do for your website. The search engines also tend to rank exact domain matches (EMDs) higher those that do not match search queries. Apart from choosing the right keywords to rank for, the very next crucial step is choosing a domain name. If you are a noob (newbie), we can certainly point you in the right direction as to how to choose the right domain name.
How to get an EMD: Now, this is a very costly piece of information but we've got nothing but love for you so here you go anyway. We suggest using keywords for your domain name; as short a keyword as will be profitable for you (we're talking number of searches per month). It makes sense to own the domain name that's searched 10,000 - 100,000 times monthly don't you think? What can you do with it? Hmmmm. If you don't think you have the ability to rank such a keyword as EMD or the financial capacity to outsource the SEO to experts, you could simply sell it.
Ideal Domain Length: Exact match domains (EMDs) are great but they must be short enough to be remembered after visitors have visited it once. If it is an EMD and has lots of hyphens or dashes etc., it might be a bit difficult to get right. With so many people also looking for EMDs, if your visitors don't get it right, chances are what they type in will take them to another website that will probably make them happy too. So, number one, choose a short, memorable domain name.
The dot come crew: Join the .com crew. Chances are unless the visitor is already very familiar with your website, if they try to assess you website by typing it in, they will type a dot com right behind it. You can bet someone will already own that dot com. So save yourself the loss by starting right.
Easy-To-Remember: Your domain name should be really catchy or short. Having both features will make it a winner indeed. It should be something quite easy to remember. Chances are if they can remember it, they’ll visit you more often than if they can’t.